Tuesday, May 31, 2011

skulls wallpaper

skulls wallpaper. THIS IS THE SWEETEST JEM7

  • shawnce
    Aug 7, 11:41 PM
    I know we've overdosed on speculation recently, but the MacRumors live transcript from the keynote today contained the following line (from Steve I believe):

    10:24 am lots more announcements during the next week

    best to just wait and see...... They may not be public announcements but announcements made to developers at the conference under NDA.

    skulls wallpaper. wallpaper 1 - Skulls Wallpaper
  • wallpaper 1 - Skulls Wallpaper

  • lmalave
    Nov 7, 12:12 AM
    I just don't see that happening, even if they have an optical drive in it. Apple is content with the portable line as it is, and the MacBook is pretty compact already. Plus, I don't see Apple using a smaller widescreen than 13.3".

    Apple content with portable line?!? I seriously doubt that - Jobs has repeatedly mentioned they have a *lot* of stuff in the pipeline.

    And I don't see how you can say that Apple wouldn't go smaller than 13.3" widescreen. If Apple previously had a *non* widescreen 12" PowerBook, why on earth would they be opposed to having at least widescreen 12" laptop? I mean a 12" widescreen display is superior in almost every respect to a non-widescren 12" display. It's better not only for movie viewing but also in my experience for surfing the web, document, editing, etc. (can fit more text in one line, and scrolling vertically is more common/natural than scrolling horizontally).

    So that's actually why I think a 10.6" widescreen is viable. Apple previously had a non-widescreen 12" PowerBook, and a 10.6" widescreen display is almost the same width...

    skulls wallpaper. scary-skull-wallpaper - Skulls
  • scary-skull-wallpaper - Skulls

  • BRLawyer
    Sep 12, 02:45 PM
    Honestly, with these new Nanos and the Shuffle there is simply NO competition...these revamps are just what Apple needed, and it did it perfectly...the best of Minis, the best of Nanos...AWESOME..!

    The black Nano is gonna be on my shopping list now...GO APPLE!

    skulls wallpaper. Download the Skull Wallpaper.
  • Download the Skull Wallpaper.

  • Koodauw
    Sep 6, 08:24 AM
    Anyone else notice that the low end iMac (1.83 Ghz) now has the 950 chipset for a graphics card?

    skulls wallpaper. Rainbow Skulls Wallpaper.
  • Rainbow Skulls Wallpaper.

  • Legion93
    May 5, 02:26 PM
    I would prefer a retina display or twice the pixel resolution as the current iPad 2 over 3D.

    skulls wallpaper. skulls-wallpaper.jpg
  • skulls-wallpaper.jpg

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 17, 10:15 AM
    I'm confused. Are iPad 2s in short supply or not? If they cannot be found at multiple Apple stores, why is Apple broadening distribution to Toys R us?

    Toys R Us have been a retailer since day 1. There is no broadening here. And using multiple retail outlets means that Apple is not limited in the territories it covers with its own store chain. That is why since day 1, multiple retail chains have carried the iPad 2.

    skulls wallpaper. FREE WALLPAPERS.

  • scottness
    Nov 2, 07:00 PM
    Based on the way flash uses up resources on my MBA, I really don't want it on my iPhone.

    If I really need it, I can wait till I get home and open it up on my desktop.

    skulls wallpaper. _Vector - Skull Wallpaper
  • _Vector - Skull Wallpaper

  • calculus
    Nov 27, 11:47 AM
    My point is, the ping-pong effect, when it was used, was deliberate. It does sound strange now, but I remember when these albums came out people listened to them on headphones and thought the effect was cool.

    I'm no Beatles historian by any means, but correct me if I'm wrong: weren't the first albums recorded in mono? The stereo versions were later, rather crude simulations of stereo, which is why they never made it to CD.

    You are correct sir. I'd also agree with you that Rubber Soul and Revolver are the two best albums. They should not be interfered with.

    skulls wallpaper. Black Skulls Wallpaper, Meg
  • Black Skulls Wallpaper, Meg

  • LaMerVipere
    Oct 16, 03:18 AM
    Number One checking in! Seriously, I started the first "Post Your Mac Setup" thread.

    It still boggles my mind that this has made it to 13 parts and is still going strong! *knock on wood* I hope it never ends!

    I just sold my MacBook Pro but once my iMac arrives I will take photos of my setup for everyone. It's definitely changed a lot since then, lol.

    Plus, everyone else's photos are making me super envious!


    skulls wallpaper. Scary Skulls Wallpapers
  • Scary Skulls Wallpapers

  • Marion
    Mar 11, 06:47 PM
    As I've stated before, No Way does Apple realease the updated MBPs before the iPad is released!

    Yes, I know that they are two different categories, but the MBPs would definitely steal a lot of the iPad's thunder.

    I, too, would love to have the MBPs. Unfortunately, we are all just going to have to wait a while longer...

    Interesting.... and what is your prediction for International (Int) since we won't get the iPad before the end of April ? I also believed that once, but with different date for the iPad release (US vs Int) and knowing that about 50% of the sales are Int, I'm not sure about that anymore. End of April will be a shame for Apple... Friends around me already have there i7 laptop... but of course, they had to pay the ultimate price... being on Windows :eek:

    skulls wallpaper. Skulls Wallpaper - Bronze
  • Skulls Wallpaper - Bronze

  • Hisdem
    Mar 8, 03:44 PM
    Nothing nearly as amazing as some of the pictures in the thread, but it's what I have. First attempt at HDR.


    skulls wallpaper. Velvet Skulls Wallpaper
  • Velvet Skulls Wallpaper

  • rwilliams
    Mar 12, 10:25 AM
    My 13" Whitebook is literally falling apart. Im buying a new 13" Pro as soon as its updated

    What happened to it?

    skulls wallpaper. skull wallpaper
  • skull wallpaper

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 15, 11:56 PM
    But you know Apple's got a WiFi iPod in the works, and then the statement on WiFi will be that it's "indispensable." Love that guy.

    ...Same with the true video iPod as well. And we'll probably get one of those once they can squeeze it into a size of the 5G iPod for the same price and have the entire face of the thing be a 16:9 touch-screen with at least 864x480 resolution.

    skulls wallpaper. triple-h-grey-skulls-wallpaper
  • triple-h-grey-skulls-wallpaper

  • Hisdem
    Mar 14, 12:43 PM
    First play with my new lens. 50mm f/1.7.

    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5291/5526895786_7a5765bcc3_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/maxumphoto/5526895786/)
    Take Me (http://www.flickr.com/photos/maxumphoto/5526895786/) by Hisdem (http://www.flickr.com/people/maxumphoto/), on Flickr

    skulls wallpaper. Skull iPhone Wallpaper
  • Skull iPhone Wallpaper

  • edesignuk
    Nov 12, 10:18 AM
    We always said that if Apple's arbitrary, inconsistent, and quite frankly baffling approval process didn't get straightened out soon, the defections were going to pick up pace -- and what do we have here? Joe Hewitt, the developer of the well-loved and highly regarded Facebook iPhone app, has flipped the script and rejected the App Store. And, as you'd expect, our man is not mincing his words, stating that his "decision to stop iPhone development has had everything to do with Apple's policies," and that he's "philosophically opposed to the existence of their review process." While Hewitt can't comment on specific future projects (he's still at Facebook, but the app itself has been handed off to another developer) he has mentioned that he'll be devoting his time to web development for mobile devices. As you know, there is no approval process for the world wide web (which is apparent if you've spent any time on Geocities back in the day). Way to give 'em hell, Joe!Engadget (http://www.engadget.com/2009/11/12/facebook-app-developer-rejects-app-store-irony-ensues/).

    skulls wallpaper. Blue skulls wallpaper
  • Blue skulls wallpaper

  • vandal138
    Mar 25, 05:21 PM
    You guys do realize that your 3G is realistically 4 years old, right? It used the same processor, screen, graphics and RAM as the very first iPhone. They just added the 3G/aGPS chip to make it a 3G device. Four years is an eternity in cell phones.

    Thats no excuse for apple to gimp the 3g. iphones are not meant to be disposable, they cost over $600+. All these bloated updates are bogging down that little phone's system. They should have their own lighter update packages.

    I use an old, cheap, Nokia 3500 and its as fast as the day I bought it. It will surely last many more years to come. Then again, its not really a little computer with a phone in it. But this baby sure lasts.

    skulls wallpaper. Wallpaper of the Week: Augur
  • Wallpaper of the Week: Augur

  • IJ Reilly
    Sep 4, 11:50 PM
    Cost aside for the moment, it's Microsoft's decision to sell such a bewildering number of versions that I find so remarkable. I think it says a lot about Microsoft that they can't seem to settle on one implementation of Windows that would suit all users equally well. Apple has seen to it that the Mac is a Mac. Windows is now like a half-dozen vaguely different things, depending. Another level of confusion, introduced deliberately.

    skulls wallpaper. Tye Dye Dark Skulls wallpaper
  • Tye Dye Dark Skulls wallpaper

  • jive turkey
    Mar 29, 10:50 AM
    No way apple knew or went along with those "add-on" requirements to buy at Radio Shack. This is Radio Shack trying to take advantage of supply and demand in light of the fixed price by Apple. Demand is off the chart, supply was supposedly in single digits per store, so they knew that if you wouldn't buy AppleCare and a case in order to get the iPad, someone else would.

    I am sure Apple is not happy, and as a consumer I wouldn't be, either. It is good short-term business sense (maximizing today's sales), but a terrible move long run as the reputation will take a big hit with customers and suppliers. A classic case of not looking past the end of your nose.

    skulls wallpaper. skulls flock wallpaper Rockett
  • skulls flock wallpaper Rockett

  • steadysignal
    May 6, 07:07 AM
    Worst rumor ever. Sure let's view web pages in 3D (hint: ads will be jumping around).

    +1 to you.

    3D will be crap for a while.

    and the headaches will be plenty.

    Apr 2, 12:02 PM
    "Why would I make Apple the best camera?"

    Because you want to sell 20 million units with no marketing risk, minimal inventory cost, large prepayments from the customer, and unusual engineering support from the customer.

    yeah I don't understand what is so ironic about that when for years Sony has been supplying camera sensors to all the competitors including Nikon, Canon, Pentax, etc (I am talking about the whole camera sector not just DSLR) and Sony buys their components from competitors such as Samsung.

    Nov 27, 07:12 PM
    idiots... could have had my moey years ago... but now its too late!!! pirated it a long time ago... greed loses

    I feel so sorry that the Beatles will never get your moey and that their greed made you a thief.:cool:

    Jan 11, 03:14 PM
    You know, I hate to say this, but it has a striking resemblance to the "Vista" font. Granted, "vista" is more narrow. Scary, huh?

    Good spot there old son, it does look awfully similar.

    I won't judge until the keynote has happened....

    Mar 10, 10:41 PM
    yes I do ... and I am 100% in support ... I would be more than willing to pay more taxes if Canada increased our spending to bring us more on par with the US.

    How can that possibly be justified? What is the threat that this budget is confronting?

    Sep 6, 08:22 AM
    Besides, no more Intel Core Solo in Mac Mini.
    I'm surprised the mini's price points remained the same. I was expecting price drops as seen with the iMac. The 20" is a steal!


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