Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Kelly Rowland Defined

(Bandana/Do-Rag... damn.. I want you!.. I mean - yes please, I'll take one too)

I'll be real brief with this blog. At least brief in terms of words. This is so because there is no way that I could come up with words to do justice to describe how naturally beautiful and talented I think Kelly Rowland is. Of all the Destiny's Child members, Kelly Rowland is the most exquisitely beautiful and by far the most talented of them all. He voice out-shines any of them any day of the week. Remember folks, as my good friend Dorothy Snarker commented on my first blog, this is the gospel according to me (Slym). I also feel inclined to add, that I don't take myself all that seriously (in a lot of ways) so I won't blame you if you do the same. Beyonce is by far the hardest working and most successful (and deservedly so - she has earned it and she has my respect and admiration for that) however I stand by my claim re Kelly.

(Of all Kelly pics that I've seen, this is my absolute favorite. She is so damn sweet and adorable but at the same time is exuding such sultry sexiness *sigh* *swoon* Seriously, look at those lips *sigh*)

With all that said, there's just one more thing I'd like to state and it's that although Kelly has been lucratively successful and seems to be getting better at it, I have this fear that her solo career will be somewhat short-lived and this saddens me. So Kelly, here's some good, solid and very dependable advice from someone who knows, I (Slym) have one word, well in actually it's a name, and that name is Timbaland. Have your people call his people and let's get your career where it should be.

(This one ranks a close second on my fav list)

Shucks, I said this would be short now didn't I, so in keeping with that, let me just state one final thing. The dictionary needs to be amended to give true meaning to Natural Beauty and there need not be any worded definition; just put any one of the following pics next to the words.

(Whatever it is that I did, I'm sorry but don't let that stop you from punishing me.. please..)

I give you in all her beauty and splendor...... Miss Kelly.

(Another one of my favs)

(Just wanna scoop you up and take.. I mean put you to bed)

(This one's on my fav list as well)

(and this one - how u like me now?)

(This one ranks high on my list)

(sssweet and so refreshing)


(love this one cool)

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