Friday, February 22, 2008

Hottie Friday: Halle Berry

Halle Berry I think you're out-of-this world sexy

When I look at you, your eyes say, "Come get me!"
And get you I will, no matter how long it may take

I'll pursue you relentless; I'll never take a break

The way you walk is so enticing

You be the cake; i'll be the icing

If you are the butter then I'll be the bread

Come cover me with your lovin; please don't make me beg

But if begging is what you desire, I won't hesitate

Please, please, please, let me feed you strawberries and dates

I'll whisk you away to a tropical isle

Where the perfectly pristine waters stretch on for miles and miles

Hold you in my arms under the moonlit sky

So happy you'll be it'll bring a tear to your eye

Which for sure I'll wipe away, while I look intensely at you and say

"You're the love of my life; forever by your side I'm gonna stay."

Hold your hand when you don't want to be alone

Cuddle you in my arms; make them your comfort zone

I'll be every thing you need; fulfill your every desire

There'll be nothing in this world that you'll require

If ever you feel afraid, I'll be there by your side
No need to be ashamed, with me you don't need pride

When you need some space, I'll give it to you
No insecurities here; my love is faithful and true

If you ever feel uncertainty; not sure what to do
The best advice I'll give to you
If you ever feel the need to run free
I'll let you go because I have no doubt you'll come back to me

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