Monday, February 11, 2008

Aaah Whitney

If I had the opportunity to attend the 2008 Grammy Awards show or the Clive Davis Pre-Grammy Party, I would have chosen the pre-party hands down. Am I nuts or something? Uh.. well... I might be.. in fact, I'm pretty sure that most times I am. However, that's not applicable in this case. The deciding factor in it all would have been the fact that Whitney Houston attended Clive's shindig.
Not only did she attend, but girlfriend is looking damn good too! Don't believe me, well see for yourself then (insert indignant look here).
Aaah Whitney, tis so good to have you back or should that be 'see you getting back to yourself again'.
I'll rejoice in having you back when you grace us with your super powerful voice by dropping a new album. It seems you have returned to claim your title of Queen Of The Night (insert curtsey here as I pay tribute).
There are remnants of the hardship you've been through over the past few years.
Relationship, drug, health, etc issues but you're on your way back and that's the most important thing.
You took a bold step in filing for divorce and you won that battle on April 24 of last year when your divorce was finalized and you were granted full custody of your daugher - Bobbi Christina.
Did I mention that it was good to have you back? *sigh*
Update (2/26/08)
Whitney Houston will be performing at a special charity event at Battersea Evolution in London this May to to raise money for disabled children. Caudwell Children donates treatments, therapies and specialist equipment to children with disabilities and has donated more than £5 million to help care for over 2,000 children so far.

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