Friday, February 15, 2008

Hottie Friday: Jennifer Garner

Jennifer beautiful, Jennifer true

I'd give just about anything, to be with you

I'd sell the house, clothes, car and land

So I could afford that wedding band

I swear you have the most beautiful smile

Every picture I see, I've got to linger for a while

True beauty unmatched, you are absolute perfection

To you I want to give my undying affection

Don't get me started on that sparkle in your eyes
It draws me to you; yes I'm totally mesmerized

And there can be no doubt; I can't be the only one
Who would turn to putty in your lovely hand

Your face reflects genuine happiness; contentment indeed

Your every desire and fetish; I live to feed
Leave you lonely; Heck No! Never!
All I want to do is love you forever

24/7; 365 - by your side I'd stay

Wild horses and all the kings men and women
Would never be able to drag me away!

Negativity, drama - nary ever one mention
You lead your live with such good intention

Feed me gossip; no - I don't want to hear nutten
Hot damn woman! You're as cute as a button

When I think of us alone together
You would not believe; I get such a rush

Yes; tingles down my spine

I smile and I just can't help it; yes, I blush

You are perfect in body, wholesome; so refine

You're more perfect that the world's finest wine

The ultimate combination of elegance and simplicity
Traits that mean more than the world to me
If I try to go on, words would fail me this day
You overwhelm me; consume me
Excite me, ignite me, what more can I say
Jen *sigh* you absolutely take my breath away

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