Monday, February 18, 2008

Blythe Danner Is Way Cool

Blythe Katherine Danner is a 65 year old Pennsylvania native, actress, mother of two, environmental and health activist among other things. She is mother to Gwenyth and Jake Paltrow (both actors) and aunt to Kate Moennig (Shane of The L Word).

I think she's one of the coolest persons to walk the planet and that somehow, the world (my world for sure) would not have been the same if she were not in it. Seriously, anyone who makes repeat appearances in Will And Grace rank way high on my coolness scale. Not only has she made repeat appearances (11 episodes in all) during the period 2001 - 2006 but she has won an Emmy for said appearance. I love and admire her work so much that I sat through Meet The Parents (2000) and Meet The Fockers (2004). Can't stand Ben Stiller's acting, but that could not keep me away because of Danner's compelling screen presence.

She doesn't have countless awards to her credit but that's ok. It's ok with her and it's certainly ok with me. She has earned three Tony Awards (1980, 1988 and 2001). The first two were for Leading Actress in a play and the latter for a musical. She has also won two Emmy Awards for appearances in Will & Grace and the miniseries Back When We Were Grownups. Both awards were won in 2005.

Her comedic timing is impeccable and it is for this reason why I was sad when Huff was not renewed after 2006. She made the show. Don't get me wrong, it was a great show and the others carried their parts truly well, but the show would not have been the same without Blythe in it. Her performance was tersely convincing in every single episode. She delivered in only a way someone with her experience and personality could. *Sniff* *Sob*. Oh the memories, I really miss Huff *breaking out into full on wailing here*. *Need a moment*. Ok, I'm ok now.

I can at least take consolation in the fact that she's got two new projects on the way that should be released this year. Oh, I can't wait! I just can't wait! Side By Side (comedy) is in post production and Pretty/Handsome (drama for TV) is currently being filmed.

She'll play triplets in Side By Side. Yeah! That's right. Blythe times three in the same damn movie! It's gotta be my birthday!

Question: So how do I feel about her upcoming projects?
My answer:

She is still stunningly beautiful at age 65. Her face reflects that of experience and one who has lived a full and fulfilling life.

She exudes classiness and has a regal air about.

Now where the heck did I put that tiara?

And now this is my countenance having completed this blog.

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