Monday, March 10, 2008

Tina Fey Makes My Day

Tina Fey where do I begin?

So much admiration for you I think it’s a sin

Put you up high on a pedestal of gold

Your awesomeness display for the whole world to behold

Declare your brilliance from the top of Mount Everest

That might not make much sense I guess

But would I let that stop me? Hell no!

I’m a fool for you and won’t hesitate to let the whole world know

I’ll feed your dogs, take out your trash

Pay me? Shucks no! Not a penny of your cash

I wouldn’t dream of any compensation from you

For you’re my sunshine whenever I’m blue

How you do that thing that you do

And make it seem easy, all the while staying true

The most serious of issues you so effortlessly deliver

You constantly amaze me; woman you are so damn clever

You can outshine the best of the best

You’ve proven over and over again you’ll conquer any test!

You are intelligent as hell beyond measure

Your wit, timing and delivery I truly treasure

At the sound of your name I ALWAYS cheer!
Insert cartwheels, mid-air splits and tumbles here
I’ve made quite a spectacle of myself out on the Internet
You’d think by now I’d quit, but hell I’m not done yet

And don’t get me started on your cuteness; you’re so sweet
To look at pictures of you or see you on TV is the greatest treat

We who love you can’t sing enough of your praises
Shit, I know we’ve been labeled a bunch of ‘crazies’

Of this I am proud, for I know no shame
Not when it comes to you, they can go ahead and scandalize my name

You’ve earned that much from me for being so cool
You’re the best! You’re magnificent! You R-U-L-E!

Thru it all you remain totally grounded
The epitome of the total package; so well rounded

The world would be lacking without you, what can I say?
I adore you, I admire you, I heart you – TINA FEY!

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