Monday, March 17, 2008

Heidi Klum - My Super Woman

My love affair with Heidi Klum

A blog about Heidi Klum should be a walk in the park right? Afterall the woman is a Supermodel and she's super hot.

Of all the blogs I've created to date, this is the one that I've spent the most time on and poured myself into most. It took me some 2 days to source the pictures, then thow in another day to selcet the final ones to include. I've been through over 60 pages of pictures to download from. I've been throwing around the way to wordk this in my head for about a week. I wanted this to be absolutely perfect.

It takes quite some time (an nour or so) to upload the pictures as well. Throw in a couple more hours to type the words place the pictures where they are supposed to be and make sure that the words and pictures are aligned then you've got the finished product. Now if for any reason you decide to make changes (especially with the pitures), words and photos get thrown out of whack and you have to realign all over again.

Now I know I went off track there and I certainly did not state all that as a complaint, neither did I lay it all out to try to garner some praise or pat on the back. No, this is out here because I would like anyone who takes the time to read this blog to appreciate the depth of admiration and respect that I hold for Heidi Klum. And at the end of it all, I think the pictures say 10-fold more than what I would like to use words to say.

So my only hope is that they say to you what they say to me. And what they do say is that Heidi is not only a supermodel but she's a superwoman with a heart of gold. Also, let the records show that if I had to blog about Heidi daily, despite all that's invloved, I'd do it in a New York Minute; yes in a heartbeat.

Now let me introduce you to the other sides of Heidi Klum.

Of course the world knows Heidi the Supermodel.

Meet Heidi the Super Mom

Heidi the Super Wife

Super quirky Heidi

Super playful and fun Heidi

The Super Woman with a heart of gold

In November 2006 Klum released her debut single "Wonderland," which was written for a series of television advertisements for the German retailer "Douglas." Proceeds from the single were given to a children's charity in her hometown of Bergisch Gladbach (Germany).

This flawless beauty married this scared man. If that doesn't say this woman is super, then nothing does. Seal is not just scared but badly scared in the face. Did this stop her from falling inlove and loving him? Like hell not. And she certainly didn't marry him for his money nor fame, she had both and more likely more than he had.

Heidi - My Super Woman and Super Person who I have come to love and admire beyond words.

This woman gets into a fountain fully clothed, gets wet from toe to head and still look like this. (Just for the record, beautiful woman + wet hair = me drooling and turning into a sex predator.)

And what got me to sit up and start paying attention to this marvel was when she appeared on The Ellen Degeneres Show and danced forward over a table and then backwards in high heels. She and Ellen confessed that Heidi and teased Ellen about dancing both forward and backwards over the table. Ellen only went forward though so Heidi came out and showed her how it should be done. After doing so Heidi plopped herself down on the chair and confessed that it was way more difficult to do than she'd thought but she knew she would have done it anyway. That's my most favorite memory of her. Then she goes on to give Ellen permission to crash any of her parties. What a woman.

And in case you did not know it besides being a German supermodel, she's an actress, TV presenter, fashion designer, television producer and occasional singer. She is also the hostess of Project Runway and Germany's Next Topmodel.

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