Friday, March 7, 2008

Hottie Friday: Mariska Hargitay

Dearest, sweet, beautiful Mariska

So many things that I want to do witcha

I want to hold you in my arms till the sun comes up

Just have you near me; keep loving you non-stop

I wanna give you the stars up in the sky

Ensure that you're happy; never ever make you cry

Cherish you for you are the most precious thing in the world

Spend the rest of my life with you; watch our love unfurl

Keep you safe from hurt and all harm

Your safe haven is right here in my arms

Bring you flowers each and every day

No worries in the world, I'll kiss your fears away

Make you dinner; bring you breakfast in bed

Whenver you're weary, here's my shoulder, come lay your head

You're more beautiful than the prettiest flower

My affection and attention; all yours every minute every hour

You are more precious than the world's most valuable stones
Just a glance my way sends shivers through my bones

Nothing in the world could ever tear us apart
Your love, your mind, body and soul are forever etched in my heart

I'll love you until the end of time and even longer
Each second that passes, my love for you grows stronger

No inhibitions betwieen us can ever exist
Let your wildest imaginings run free; yes - total bliss

All the diamonds in the world could ever
Amount to how much you mean to me; no never

You are my rock, my world, my everything; my most valuable treasure
I want you in my life; be the best part of me forever

Snow this one's for you.

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