Wednesday, July 9, 2008

So Much Love - Vanessa Williams

I L-O-V-E Vanessa Williams. I love her beyond the nth degree. My Vanessa love falls into my Tina Turner, Jodie Foster, Tina Fey Kristen Scott Thomas category. Believe me when I tell you that this is paramount love. This is serious love.

This is love that's amazingly profound coupled with utmost respect. Love so good that it will never allow me to lust after any woman upon whom it's bestowed. Love so strong that it's bond could never ever be broken. Admiration so great that I would move the earth and sky to preserve it.

At age 45, Vanessa exemplifies genuine, untainted, glowing beauty and sexiness. She has no doubt found the fountain of youth within herself. She's a rare breed. What you see is what you get. There's nothing 'put on' about her.

She works honestly and earnestly at her life on a whole. The woman is just purely delightful. She's one of those few people who smile from the heart. She bears her soul in every single smile. Her smile is not a flash for the camera or fans. It's a smile that lets the whole world know 'this is me, this is who I am, I am utterly comfortable in my skin, I am completely happy with where I am in my life, I have few if any regrets, I am grateful for all that life has afforded me - good and bad'.

If you know Vanessa's history then you know that she's no quitter. You know that she's a survivor in every sense of the word.

When the Miss America controversy erupted, I wanted to find the snitch and put a royal ass whooping on him/her. After Vanessa came out with her first album, I wanted to find the person and thank him/her profusely. I cannot express the pride I felt when that album was released. My heart was bursting at the seams. I remember it like ti was yesterday. It's one of those memories that is etched into my mind for a lifetime. And man, when the video for The Right Stuff was released, bet your ass I got it. It's not that the video was so great, it was that it was soooo good to see Vanessa again!

Since then Vanessa has been making beautiful music, oh and beautiful kids. I've been a fan of her music from day one; still am and always will be. I'm not a fan just because I like her, no I'm a fan because it's damn good music. I can safely declare that if there's one thing that I've got impeccable taste in, that would be music. I'd like to think that I have the same, if not even better, taste in women as well but I'll let others draw their own conclusion on that one. Plus this is not about me.

I have quite a few favorites of her songs which include Save the Best for Last, Colors of the Wind, And If I Ever, You Don't Have To Say You're Sorry, but my absolute favorite of them all is Moonlight Over Paris. I think everyone in my house at some point in time had a compelling urge to strangle me because of how often and repeatedly I played that song. I do come from a music-loving family but I think I got bitten hardest by the music-loving bug. But again, I digress.

So there I was ecstatic about Vanessa's success in the music business, then she goes and breaks into the acting business as well. I just wanted to find 'the man' and say, "YEAH, stick that up your a$$ why don't you!" Not only did my girl stick it to you by winning the crown in the first place, she went and stuck it to 'you' again by having a successful music career. And now BAM! In 'your' face, she sticks it to 'ya' a third time by having a successful acting career. And here's another one for ya 'man', she shows no signs of slowing down! So how you like dem there apples?

Vanessa puts the heat in hotness. She is another of those women who prove (once again - and I spent a whole week on this one) that S-E-X-Y N-E-V-E-R went A-N-Y-W-H-E-R-E!

The following text taken from her music site sums up Vanessa's background quite well especially since I'm a bit pressed for time. Also while you're at this site a copy of her Everlasting Love album can be previewed in it's entirety so you don't have to take my word for it that it's a beautiful album that's definitely worth being in your CD collection if you don't already own it.

"Throughout her performing career, Vanessa Williams has maintained a reputation as one of the most respected and multi-faceted entertainers in the world, amassing accomplishments and accolades, one after another. She has conquered the musical charts, Broadway, music videos, television and motion pictures. She has sold over four million albums worldwide and her skills as an actress on stage, in film and on television have earned praise from the most seasoned of critics.

Performing - and music in particular - has always played an important role in Vanessa's life. Born in Millwood, New York, Vanessa's early years were spent surrounded by music. Both her parents are music teachers who recognized her musical gifts early on and encouraged her to pursue her love of the arts. When she was young, she acted, danced, played piano and French horn in her high school orchestra, concert band and marching band and she [sang] in the concert choir and chorus. Her early interest in performing led to a passion for musical theatre, which began in school and continued as she went on to star in numerous community theatre productions.

Vanessa won a Presidential Scholarship in Drama and chose to continue her education at Syracuse University, where she majored in musical theatre. While at college in 1983, Vanessa was sought after by local talent scouts who invited her to participate in the Miss Greater Syracuse Pageant. Three months later, Vanessa won the 1983 Miss America title and the $30,000 scholarship that accompanied it. The controversy that followed only left Vanessa stronger and more empowered in her commitment to a career in the world of entertainment."

Let me recommend Everlasting Love, the album is absolutely superb. She must have been deeply in love when she did this one, I swear it's just got a bit more 'something' to it. I was feeling nostalgic so I've been listening to it for the past three hours or so.

If I had to choose just one word to describe Vanessa (although one word could never do it), that word would be fabulous.

I swear she has one of the most perfect bust line ever.

She's got amazing light green eyes. Yep a woman of color with beautiful green eyes *sigh*

She is as close to perfect as you can get. She is a woman with a sound character. The type of woman other women can strive to be like.

Did I mention that she's adorably charming?

And if that weren't enough already, the woman is so humble. Check out any of her interviews. She's so appreciative it's truly admirable. She's a woman who you want for a sista indeed. A sista you know will have your back no matter what. When you need comfort, to just let loose and hang, just sit around and chat for hours with or just be with and do nothing at all. She's just got the makings of a great woman.

Yep, my Vanessa love is all that and more. And in as much as I'm tempted to say that she's saved the best for last that would be most inaccurate for last means done with, it has finality to it. And if there's one thing that Vanessa has proven is that she has so much more in store and I can't wait for her to dish it out so that I can soak it up.

And it still has lots and lots of room to grow. Go sista girl. I am extremely proud of you, of what you stand for, of all of your accomplishment so far and look forward to those to come. Can you feel the love?

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