Thursday, July 3, 2008

Sexy Never Left: Jennifer Beals

Have I convinced you as yet that sexy never left so there was no need for Justin to attempt to bring it back? If Tina Fey, Halle Berry and Diane Lane have not already taken care of that, then for sure this captivating, exquisite, refined, ravishing beauty is sure to.

If Jennifer Beals does not prove me right, then something's terribly wrong somewhere. Some planet must have shifted somewhere and unleashed some terrible substance that has caused the human race to be delusional.

Beals has the power to make straight women go mmm hmmm and gay women go thud. Shit I know this woman could cause me quite a few concussions and embarrassing moments. I will grovel at her delectable feet if I could get close enough.

Honestly, I'm feeling weak and a little queasy just blogging about her. If anyone knew how long I've been meaning too, they'd be surprised. There are just certain women I've been kinda avoiding since starting this blog for fear of making a spectacle of myself or for not being able to do them justice with my babble. No doubt Beals is one of them and for the first reason mentioned above or maybe both reasons (damn I'm confused) is why it took me this long.

Beals is one of the most resplendent women to grace this planet. She is chic. Elegant does not even begin to describe her. Other adjectives that come to mind are posh, smart, swank and dashing; I just can't seem to help myself.

Take note that I am endeavoring ever so much to avoid mentioning anything that refers to this woman's sex appeal. I don't know if I'll be able to handle it. Thoughts fill my mind that do not allow me to do anything else when it comes to her sexiness.

We have watched her grow up before our eyes. And boy, what a sex-pot she has grown into! From the cute faced young girl in Flashdance to the worship inducing temptress in The L Word. She puts the term 'what a woman' to shame. She could set the world on fire with just a smile.

To describe this woman as hot would be the understatement of a lifetime. She puts the 'sex' in sexy and the 'stun' in stunning. You are liable to hurt your eyes if you look at her for too long.

She makes my skin hot. She makes my mouth go dry. She makes me weak in the knees. Honestly she does. She takes my breath away. She makes my heart flutter. She gives me butterflies in the stomach. Please excuse me, I feel faint. I need some air. I need to take my shirt off or something; turn down the AC unit. I just need to get a hold of myself.

So where was I? What was I getting so worked up over? Oh yeah, it's not a what but a who. I was blogging about a goddess of gorgeousness. Beals is unequivocally mesmerizing. She is emphatically H-O-T! I feel weak.

This is becoming too much for me. I was so afraid I'd be reduced to being overwhelmed by her. When she's on screen, my whole world stops revolving. Everything and everyone else cease to exist.

She's my water when I'm thirsty. My air when I need to breathe. My energy when I'm feeling exhausted. Yes, she's my ultimate fix. My JB love is through the roof, it's wider than the widest ocean and deeper than the deepest sea.

I have totally convinced myself that the song God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You was written in dedication to her. No one can convince me otherwise. And so as not to make myself and anyone else sick with all this drooling and grovelling and lusting and wanting and yearning, I'm just going to provide data on her. I have totally exhausted myself. Let's concentrate on her and not my wildest dreams and undying adoration.

She was born on December 19, 1963 in Chicago, Illinois and is the mother of one (a girl - October 2005). She's the daughter of elementary school teacher (mom - Irish-American) and a grocery store owner (dad - African-American). She always had childhood dreams of become an actor and was also a teen model.

Her breakthrough role was in Flashdane in 1983. Since then she has appeared in several films including The Bride, Vampire's Kiss, Devil in a Blue Dress, Four Rooms, Runaway Jury, Wishful Thinking, A House Divided and After the Storm. Beals is however best known for her role in The L Word. Before TLW she must have already had a huge male following but playing a major role this show added a substantial mass of women to the list. I have had a crush on her since Flashdance, TLW only made it skyrocket; sent it into another dimension.

If you had doubts of her awesomeness then dig this, she put her career on hold in order to graduate from Yale University where she earned a degree in American Literature. Yes you got that right! How you like them apples? Intelligence is such a turn on. She was offered the part of Apollonia in Prince's Purple Rain but turned it down in order to concentrate on college.

I will leave you with two of her personal quotes which is testimony to the fact that she is deserving of my admiration and everything else that goes with it.

When she was asked by People Magazine about her standing in Hollywood, this was her reply: "It's been perfect. I can still ride a subway and work with great people. I can't imagine being Julia Roberts. I don't have the fortitude to withstand that kind of attention." *Whatever you say Ms. Beals. Whatever you say*

And this is her take on gay marriages: "I'm always shocked that gay marriage is such a big deal. You have to realize how precious human life is, when there are tsunamis and mudslides, when there are armies and terrorists - at any moment, you could be gone, and potentially in the most brutal fashion. And then you have to realize that love is truly one of the most extraordinary things you can experience in your life. To begrudge someone else their love of another person because of gender seems to be absolutely absurd. It's based in fear, fear of the other, fear of what is not like you. But when you are able to see lives on a day-to-day basis, rather than reducing it to politics, then it humanizes a whole community of people that were otherwise invisible." *Amen to that.*

Is she deserving of her Yale degree or what? And again I say, "What a woman!"

And just because there could never ever be too much Jennifer Beals, I'm including these (consider them outtakes of some sort):

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