Friday, May 30, 2008

Hottie Friday: Jill Bennett

Dear Diary I have a confession
Jill Bennett has become my latest obsession
She has the prettiest smile in the world
I'm on an unending quest to make her my girl

It would be fuel to start on her sexy swagger
To watch her walk makes me stagger
I want her in my life; take time and let our love unfurl
The very thought of her makes my toes curl

My only wish is for me to have my own way
With her during the night, sometimes during the day
And the little creases in her nose when she smiles in that way
Is all the more reason why I'm happy and gay

And she has the cutest tightest little ass
Excuse me if I stray from polite over into crass
I just wanna grab it, squeeze it, hold it tight
It's just perfect, and is sure to give pleasure all through the night

To add to it all, the woman is quirky
Making her even more irresistible, Jill, here I am take me!
Then she goes and adds tattoos as well
As if she wasn't already HOT as hell

The things that come to mind that we would do
Would turn the cheeks of my grandma to a reddish hue
I tell you no lie, you make putty out of me
I wanna be the sugar in your coffee, the cream in your tea

If only you knew how much I love your hair
And the sexy way you sit down on a chair
If we were together, I'd kiss everyone else goodbye
Wouldn't walk on earth either, be walking on cloud 9 up in the sky

I know that we'd both be totally satisfied
And never ever want to leave each other's side
I'd be late for work each and every day
If anyone should ask why, this is what I'd say

Can anyone blame me for not wanting to leave
When such good loving I give and receive
There's no other love like this that exists
Can't you tell that just by the way we kiss

Don't you notice I walk around with a smile on my face
That's because I have the epitome of hotness that can never be replaced
Can't you see how everyone looks at us
For all the time we are completely filled with lust

Love and affection so strong it can be felt from miles afar
Love so potent it can fuel a race car
Do I need to explain to you anymore
Tell me now for it's a just about four

And bet your ass I won't stay one minute longer
Gotta get home to my love-machine for who's touch I hunger
Gotta make sure she's satisfied and well fed
Not only out but more importantly in bed

If I sound love-struck, that's because I am
I'm sprung, hooked, whipped and I don't give a damn
Say anything you want, call me any name
For when it comes to my Jill, I know or feel no shame

You know what they say 'hate the game not the playa'
It's not my fault that I'm sated, you nay-sayer
Go out and find someone you can call your own
Whatever you do, just leave me the hell alone

Well Diary, it's good to have gotten this off of my chest
For sure Jill Bennett puts the HOT in HOTNESS
Lets just keep this between me and you for you know how things get
Once someone grabs hold of your inter most desires and put it out on the Internet

Imagine the commotion that this could cause
If on it the wrong people got their claws
Letting the world know that I'm living wrapped up in a fantasy

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