Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Introducing Dania Ramirez

If you haven't already met her, please allow me to introduce you to Santo Domingan born Dania Ramírez. (do click the images to enlarge)

Dana was born in the Dominican Republic on November 30, 1979. This girl was born to be an actor; you might say it's in her blood. Testament to this is that at a very early age she would reenact Spanish soap operas for her entire family.

Some time later when she decided that she wanted a career in acting she enrolled at the Actor's Workshop in New York City and then went on to complete a degree at Montclair State University in New Jersey. She currently resides in Los Angeles. Classic case of doing what's needed in order to make your dream come true and further testament that you can do whatever you set your mind to as long as you are willing to put in the required work in order to achieve it.

She started her career in 1997 as an extra in the HBO film Subway Stories. It was during work on this film that she met Spike Lee who later cast her in his film, She Hate Me in 2004. She was cast in the final episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, as Callisto in the comic book film X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) and as Blanca Selgado (A.J. Soprano's new love interest) in the first part of the sixth season finale of The Sopranos.

When she appeared in X-Men: The Last Stand and did this to Halle Berry,

I was up off the couch shouting at her: "Biotch! How dare you? Unhand my woman! Are you out of your cotton picking mind? Why I will kick your ass if you so much as hurt one hair on her head! Do you see my avatar? Do you know that she's the background on my phones and my PC and my laptop? Do you...? Damn, do you know your image is going to be rotated on all those things as well?" Hmmm.... two gorgeous women fighting... this could be interesting... mmmm.... just don't either one of you mess with the face, don't want any blemishes to mess up perfect beauty.... So what the heck was I talking about again?

Her most recent role has been portraying Maya on the TV series Heroes. She seems to have a knack for landing roles that allow her to portray futuristic type characters. I can just picture her in The Matrix alongside Jada Pinkett- Smith.

So far she has roles in eight movies including 25th Hour (2002 starring Edward Norton, Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Rosario Dawson, Little Black Boot (2004) with Carmen Plumb and Jane Lynch, The Ecology of Love (2004), Fat Albert with Keenan Thompson and Kyla Pratt and Illegal Tender (2007).

She will also be in three films this year Ball Don't Lie (no release date set as yet), The Fifth Commandment (22 August 2008) and Brooklyn To Manhattan (no release date as yet). Dania's fiancè, Jessy Terrero, will direct this film.

She's got a rocking body and she's not afraid to use.

Not only does her body rock, seems she's a rocker too :)

And to that I say, "Rock on Dania, rock on."

No doubt she can do the twirl as well.

After all, we know that Latinas are famous for their dancing.

Go on and strut your stuff girl.

Isn't she the cutest thing ever?

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