Thursday, April 24, 2008

Timeless Thursday: Diana Ross

Diana Ross is a living icon and believe me when I tell you that this is one of the most difficult blogs that I have prepared. Not difficult in the sense of being trouble-some to prepare. No, it's difficult because of the profound admiration and respect that I have for her.
Somehow I can't help but feel inadequate, overwhelmed and somewhat disadvantaged. I feel as if to blog about a woman of such calibre that I hold in such high regard is way out of my league. I believe a blog about Ross should be written by the very best of literary pundits for she is deserving of no less.

Diana is an exemplary woman. She is a woman to be revered. Her career as a singer, record producer and actress spans decades. My music collection is rife with her work. I even have vinyl records of her and Tina Turner in my possession that I refuse to part with; you couldn't pay me enough.

When I first thought of this tribute via blog, this is what came to mind:
(Fingers snapping, that infectious repetitive beat in the background and the smooth humming)...
She said she wants a man... To always understand... But that's alright for her... Still it ain't enough for me... She said she wants a guy... To keep her satisfied... But that's alright for her... But it ain't enough for me... Still, I don't care if he's young or old (just make him beautiful)... I just want someone I can hold on to ... I want muscles.... All, all over his body (make him strong enough from his head down to his toes)... I want muscles... All, all over his body (make him strong enough from his head down to his toes)

Everything about this song is absolutely perfect (IMHO). If there is one perfect song that was created in this world, it's that one. The beat, the vocals, the background. I swear, if I ever were to perform a song, Michael Jackson would have to be in the background doing some finger-snapping! The entire song was performed as more of a hook than a normal song. And when she got to the bridge, OMG, any woman who wanted could have had me!

Muscle man(we would just disregard this first line and pick up from here), I want to love you...In person, I want your body...Come with me, hiding the cascades...Let this be, we've got this thing made...Lost at sea, hide the desert...Stay with me, you won't regret it......Take this love, so deep to swim in...Come to me, and let the love in

All she would have had to do was just wait until she got to that part and say, "Slym, I want you." And my immediate response would have been, "Take Me! Take Me Now!"

I won't even get into the awards, nominations and other accolades much. There isn't room nor time for that. But I just want to mention that the woman is deserving of them all and make special mention of the fact that she's a member of an elite group of artists who have two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. She's listed in the Guinness World Records as the most successful female music artist of the 20th century. She has to her credit a number of other records as well, one of being the first female solo artist to score 6 number 1 hits.

My most favorite album of all is Take Me Higher. The tracks on that album were just... well... I can't quite put my finger on it. But the tracks Voice of the Heart, Let Somebody Know, Gone and I Will Survive got played out. Other's that rank really high are Chain Reaction - now this album is tied with Take Me Higher. I really cannot decide between the two. Of this album, I can't even tell you that these tracks got played out; they got burnt out - Chain Reaction, I Am Me, Blame It On The Sun, Don't Give Up On Each Other, (I Love) Being In Love With you (this remains today my ultimate favorite along with muscles), and I'm Watching You. If you weren't in love at this time, trust me - those songs would make you fall in love. The Force Behind The Power was an awesome album as well. Eaten Alive - Experience and Crime of Passion have holes where those tracks used to be. I feel as if this is becoming about me though, so let's shift gears.

What more can I tell you about this legend. I think the only thing left is to let you know that she is the proud mother of 5 (3 daughters and 2 sons) - Rhonda Ross Kendrick, Tracee Ellis Ross, Chudney Ross, Ross Arne Naess and Evan Ross.

Received the BET (Black Entertainment Television) Walk of Fame Award on October 23, 1999
Received a 2000 Heroes Award from the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (NARAS). The award was the highest distinction bestowed by the New York Chapter.

Personal Quotes
"Instead of looking at the past, I put myself ahead twenty years and try to look at what I need to do now in order to get there then."

"You can't just sit there and wait for people to give you that golden dream. You've got to get out there and make it happen for yourself."

Two parting shots.

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