Monday, April 7, 2008

This And That

I'm having 'one of those Mondays' and I must confess that it's feels rather odd for I haven't had one of those in quite some time. Today, I feel like doing nothing - not working, not answering my phone, not being awake, not sleeping - you get the idea. So what do I do with myself? Figure I'll just catch up on a few things that I've been wanting to put out there but just couldn't tie myself down to doing so.

Just so you know, I have decided to make Mondays (at least for the next two months Jill Bennett Monday). I had a nice little piece written down to kick it off today, but alas, I don't have it with me. Whenever ideas pop into my not-so-sane mind, I just jot them down on the closest thing I can find. But at least that's something to look forward to right?
*Ah Jill - You Make Me So Much Better. My Mondays are sure to be good with you*

But back to why I came here to write. First off Dr. Maya Angelou celebrated her 80th birthday on Friday last (4th April 2008).

Dr. Angelou's work precedes her and I will not even try to get into describing the depth of my respect and admiration for the icon. Marguerite Ann Johnson is known for her series of six autobiographies, her work in the American Civil Rights Movement and her volume of poetry among so many other things.

Second, Mariah Carey has broken Elvis Presley's record for the most #1 singles in a rock era and is now in second place to the Beatles who hold the record with 20 #1 singles

Touch My Body gave the diva her #18 hit. The interesting thing to bear in mind though is that her latest album has not yet been released (will be released next Tuesday - 15 April) so there's the potential to dethrone the Beatles as well. Go on girl!! I've been wearing my deck out with that song! Good luck 2 ya!

What the media has failed to push is that another magnificient woman surpassed Elvis's record as well last week.

The Material Girl nudged Presley from his standing as the recording artist with the most top-10 hits in the rock era, when she surpassed him with her 37th top 10, "4 Minutes." Keep on rockin!

Her latest album Hard Candy will be released on 29 April 2008.

Third, Janet Jackson (the reason for my being) will be honored with the Vanguard Award at the 19th Annual GLAAD Media Awards on Saturday, April 26, 2008 at the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles.

The announcement was made by The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD). What make the announcement even more pleasurable for me, is that multiple Emmy Award-winning talk show host Ellen DeGeneres will be making the presentation. It don't get no better than that!

GLAAD President, Neil G. Giuliano stated, “Ms. Jackson has a tremendous following inside the LGBT community and out, and having her stand with us against the defamation that LGBT people still face in our country is extremely significant.”

YEAH!! There can never be too much or even enough Janet love!

30 Rock returns!

Tina Fey - Queen of Comedy is BACK BITCHES!! Yep
the 3rd season of the show will return one week ealier than scheduled YAY YAY YAY! The new episode will air April 10 on NBC at 7:30 pm. I know you wouldn't dare miss it.

And if blogging about Mariah, Dr. Angelou, Tina Fey and Janet Jackson isn't breath-taking enough, I now have reason to add Alyssa Milano (the beat of my heart) as the icing on the cake.

Alyssa will be making recurring appearances (7 episodes) on
My Name is Earl.

Oh yeah, here's another for the Heroes fans.

The creators of Heroes had previously announced that they were going to create a spin-off titled Origins where they would have featured 12 heroes with
each episode delving into the backgrounds of the featured hero min-movie style. The creators have decided to scrap Origins and concentrate on giving their all to the original series itself. The way I see it, it's best to improve on an already good thing, than to spread yourself out too thin and ruin a sure-shot. The series will return on 15 September 2008 with a one hour clip show to help you catch up followed by the two hour premiere. In the mean time you can catch webisodes on beginning in July to tide you over till the premiere. The site already has online episodes of The Office, 30 Rock and Chuck.

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