Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Holidays

Yes, I know... it's been quite a while. My apologies. You can see from the posts made for 2011 that they weren't much. Took on two major projects this year that consumed my time and had a few minor ones along the way. All in all, I'm very proud of my accomplishment in the work department.

Enough about me. It's that time of year again - I can hardly believe it myself. Just hours away from Christmas day and I know in many parts of the world it already is.
I started to compile a Christmas wishlist a couple weeks ago in keeping with tradition but time did not allow. I'm pretty much pushing my limits here trying to fit these few words in but I just had to take the time to wish all of you beautiful people a most joyous and wonderful Christmas. For the ones who do not celebrate Christmas, I wish you joy and peace as well no matter the occasion.

 A special thank you to my followers and a heartfelt thank you to all who took the time to visit and also to leave comments. Although I'm not in it for the comments, I sincerely appreciate them all. They offer appreciation for what I put in as well as insight into your thoughts.

Of course a Slym blog would not be a Slym blog without showcasing they beauty and purpose of me doing this. Do enjoy the sights.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Holidays, etc, etc....

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