Friday, October 30, 2009

Vacation Notice

Ok, it is with a tinge (just a teeny tiny tinge) of sadness that I inform my faithful fans and followers that I will be going on a MUCH needed vacation.

As you might have noticed from frequency, or should I say infrequency, of posts on my blog lately I have been much challenged for time to update it as often as I would like. And no, it's not because I've run out of hot, intelligent, blog-worthy women either. Why, perish that thought! The world is filled with such women, much to my delight *yay!*.

So I'm packing my bags, putting the darn laptop away, getting on a plane and hauling my tired ass off into seclusion. My mind, body and soul have been taxed to the fullest extent over the past several months. I've been going and going and going and going... well, you get the picture.

So now this energizer bunny must find the energy source and plug right into the core of it and absorb as much of it as I possibly can.

If the coming year is anything like the last year and a half, I might be inclined to move to Alaska.

And while on vacation, if I happen to see a computer of any kind I am almost 100% sure that I will shoot it! Failing emptying a sub machine gun six-shooter into any such device, the next best thing would be to take it into the nearest deserted alley and beat and kick the shit out of it!

Now, lets just clear one thing up here, I'm in dire need of rest and relaxation so anything herefore mentioned in this here post cannot be held against me; let the records show that I am totally not myself.

So to one and all I wish much more pleasurable times than I have been having lately. If you have to work, I hope it's not too much work. If you don't have to and you still get paid, I want your job.

I know you all wish me a pleasant journey and all the pleasures that a vacation can bring so I take this opportunity to thank you profusely.

Be good, but not too good, while I'm gone. My house is your house, may there be enough posts to keep you occupied over the next 2 weeks.

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