Monday, September 7, 2009

Gabriela Sabatini Has The Heart of A Champion

What word or phrase can you use to describe a woman who is a star athlete, has the heart of a champion, puts her heart and soul into the game and has a smile that warms your heart but at the same time makes it flutter and become weak in the knees?

How would you go about painting a picture of a woman who has just the right amount of muscle tone, not bulk; but firm, healthy, strong, rigid and perfectly shaped muscles in all the right places?

What word is befitting of a super athlete with silky smooth, shiny raven colored hair that beckons you to run your fingers through it or brush it away from a wonderfully symmetrical face? She has a face and body that you want to reach out and caress or wake up to for the rest of your life.

So, someone please help me out here. How do you put Gabriela Sabatini into words, excluding her illustrious career? For the moment, let's not even touch that part of this Argentinean beauty.

For me, the answer to the question (or should I say those questions) does not come easily. I think the first word that comes to mind is phenomenal. I also think of fantastic, powerful, hot - yes really hot. I think of and feel commanding energy and presence when I think of Gabriela. I can imagine her stopping me in my tracks by just throwing a glance my way. I can very well picture me being unable to speak, if the gods would ever see it fit for me to meet this stunning magnificient breath-taking venus.

Gabriela Beatriz Sabatini holds the power to make me hop on one leg and go 'woof woof' reminiscent of that scene in Coming To America. I'm serious. Look at the woman! Look at her? Don't you feel tremors in your knees? You don't? Ok, so maybe it's just me then. Oh, I'm sorry; I didn't see all those other hands back there agreeing with me. Forgive me. See, I knew I wasn't the only one. I just knew it.

Do you know something else that is absolutely fascinating about this imperial tennis goddess? The woman gets hotter with age? How does she do it? Have you seen her lately? Do me a favor,the next time you see her tell her to give me a call. Hey, don't look at me like that! No, that's not what I was thinking at all. You think you know me but you don't. Ok, ok, so you do. It's really hard to come off as coy and innocent after I've been hanging my tongue out and panting after all of these gorgeous women on my blog.

Can you picture Sabatini in the role of Xena? As a matter of fact, in the world of tennis, she pretty much played the role. Her career reads like a perfectly thought out and created plan. She made her tennis debut at the age of 6; yes that's what I said, 6. She had her first win 2 years later. At the age of 13 Sabatini became the youngest person to win the Orange Bowl in Miami.

Her trailblazing did not end there. In 1984 she was ranked the #1 Junior player in the world. At age 15 she was the youngest player ever to qualify for the French Open semifinals. A year later Sabatini turned pro.

(For some reason, this is my favorite Sabatini picture of them all. There's something about the stride, her body language says, I'm cool, calm confident, contented, comfortable and happy in my skin and with my life.)

In a career that spanned form 1976 to 1996 she has won a total of 27 Singles Titles and 14 Doubles Titles. Her highest rank in her pro career was in February of 1989 when she was #3 behind Steffi Graf and Monica Seles. She represented her country at the 1988 Summer Olympic Games in Seoul where she won the silver medal in the women's singles finals losing the gold to Stefi Graf. She and Graf then teamed up to win the gold in the doubles finals. She was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame on July 15, 2006. *What the hell took them so long?*

Her career fizzled after 1992. Her last win was in 1995 when she defeated Lindsay Davenport in Sydney. She retired in 1996. Sabatini has her own line of perfume which she launched in 1989 called Gabriela Sabatini and in 1992 a fiery red rose was named in her honor Gabriela Sabatini Rose, she published a motivational book My Story in 1994 and in this same year a doll was created in her honor.

Not bad for the girl from Buenos Aires; not bad at all. I've watched her play. I followed her career. It was quite a ride; an enjoyable and exciting ride. Gabriela Sabatini was one of the driving forces in the circuit of tennis the late 1980s and early 1990s. There is no doubt that she has made and invaluable contribution to the world of female tennis as we know it today.

She was a dynamic player and a stunning beauty. She took and expended all of her energy to the tennis court. She played like a champion and reaped the benefits of playing in that vein. I admire her. I respect her. I hold her in very high esteem. Plus, the woman is hot! She's exciting; she gets the blood pumping through my veins.

She creates a conflict in me. You know the kind where you want to keep the respect and admiration in check but the compelling sex appeal is creating so much pressure that you're just bursting at the seams? Yes that kind of conflict. That's the one Sabatini creates in me.

Hey! You know what? Hell, who says I can't do both? I won't respect her any less if I think of... well... let's just say 'having my way with her' *yes that's so subtle... it just might work, after all, I didn't really say anything, right?*. There's no rule against lusting after someone you admire and respect, is there? Of course not! Why that rule would be totally ludicrous if it existed. And heck, I'd be the first to march against it. They can't do a thing like that! It's just... hell what am I going on about, there is no such rule.

In as much as Sabatini makes my knees rubbery, I have to confess that I know someone who she makes giddy, bonkers and all those other words that mean the same thing. In fact, I have serious concerns as to whether or not I should have the paramedics on hand to administer immediate assistance at her door when I know she will read this. Here's hoping I won't need to have the paramedics. Instead let me start with this bit of advice *this should help a lot*, "breathe love, breathe". Damn, I should have put this at the beginning of the post. I'm sure it's too late now. What's the number for 911 again?

Frank, this one's for you :-). It took me a while, but I hope it makes you happy. If I come across the other one, I'll be sure to post it. Cheers.

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