Sunday, December 21, 2008


Please allow me some space and time to issue a heart-felt "Thank You" to all who visit Slym Pickings. Ah heck, one thank you just doesn't seem enough (it must be this Xmas bug or something that goes around this time of year) so "Thank You, Thank You, Thank You".

Thank you for browsing. Thank you for just passing through. Thank you for staying a while sometimes. Thank you for not just coming once but for returning. Thank you for taking time to look around. Thanks most of all for your comments and moreover your e-mails.

And when I say thanks for your comments, I mean every single one of them whether pro or con; they are sincerely appreciated. I appreciate you all.

It would be very remiss and truly ungrateful of me if I did not take this opportunity to wish each and every one of you the happiest of holidays: HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ONE AND ALL! If you celebrate at this time, I wish you the happiest and most enjoyable season. If you don't, I wish you a very stress-free time as others celebrate.

And when the New Year rolls around, may each and every one of your dreams come true. May you have the conviction and motivation to stick to those New Year's resolutions. May the new year be a much better one than this one has been. May it be kinder to you and yours. May it bring you the things that you need. May you be more comforted.

Throughout it all, let us not forget to be the very best that we kind be. May be all be kinder to each other. We don't need a New Year or Holiday Season to do this. It is the only way to make this world a better place. It is a sure way for each individual to make a significant difference in this messed up world that we live it.

I wish you love, I wish you joy, I wish you peace and I wish you success.

Slym Pickings will take a break during this season and return in the New Year (don't cry, it's ok, it will be back before you know it).


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