Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Dearest Heather You're Not Fooling Me

Before there's any confusion as to which Heather I'm referring, let the records show that it's Ms. Graham. Now to clear up what it is that I'm going on about or indirectly accusing Ms. Graham of, well let's just say it's that innocent girly demeanor that she has going on.

Heather I'm not fooled for a moment. You can put on that naive, I'm such a dork act on anyone else but not me. Heck no. No way Jose. I've got a very good eye for spotting sexy when I see it. I'd like to think of myself as an authority on the subject, but my humble nature won't allow me.

Case in point: you see that frazzled look? Well that's sexy.

See that stride? That's sexy.

See that body in leather and that stance with attitude? Now that's just fucking hot!

Plus, I'm experienced enough to know and sense that there's a lot going on underneath it all. It's not always about what lies on top but rather what's surging beneath. My goodness, that didn't come out quite the way I intended and leaves room for so many sexual connotations. I can innocently claim that that was not the intent. At the same time, I can't say that I'm displeased with the effect. But I digress. (Since my mind's going there without me trying I might as well throw in this pic here)

In as much as you may try to play it down, there's no denying that you are hot, sexy and desirable. There's a certain mysterious look in your eyes that causes one to want to get to know more; to go further; to dig deeper (OMG the connotations once again - I have to find out what's going on in that part of my brain today).

At the end of it all though, this is not about me; girlfriend, it's all about you. You who, imho, are somewhat under-rated, under-recognized and under-appreciated. You who might easily be passed over as simple and plain. You who, ah hell I'm beginning to sound like an owl or as if I'm preparing for a Verizon or some other commercial so let's switch this up a bit. (Isn't this the cutest thing? Luv this pic. She's such a cool dude!)

First off, I like the body of work that you have accumulated; at least those that I've seen. You have to your credit some 58+ appearances on television in film and an addition 6 movies pending: Seymour's Last Rule, Miss Conception (Mia Kirschner to co-star), Ex-Terminators, Boogie Woogie, Baby on Board and Son of Mourning.

Of your movies, five stand out in my mind. I Love You to Death (1990), Scream 2 (1997), Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999), The Guru (2002) and Gray Matters (2006).

Scream 2 was chock-full of stars (Neve Campbell, Rebecca Gayheart, Jada Pinkett-Smith, Sarah Michelle Gellar and Courteney Cox to name a few) and quite entertaining as well, it's not my genre of movies but it's one of the few of it's kind that I did watch.

I totally enjoyed your performance in The Spy Who Shagged Me. You played the role magnificently. You had the perfect combination of air-headedness, smarts, wit and sexy. The perfect blend. None of it was over or under played; absolutely excellent. Your performance in that movie as well as The Guru was truly reminiscent of Goldie Hawn in her prime. And mind you I love Goldie a lot (hate what she's done to her face but love her to death).

Gray Matters - what a movie! What a movie! It's not one of those movies that will compel you to stand up at the end and applaud. No. It's not that way at all. What's outstanding about this movie is the close tightly knit cast involved who all played their role exceptionally well. It was a perfect cast; Bridget Moynahan (ooh Bridget), Rachel Shelley (yummy) and Molly Shannon (ooh wee). I have to give just due to Thomas Cavanagh as well; he was flawless and the chemistry between you two was priceless. Certainly a movie that will leave a lasting impression not only because of awesome cast performance but the way in which it intricately laid out the plot and included every key issue involved in such a story. (Do I sound like a movie critic or what?)

Heather Joan Graham is the daughter of Joan (a teacher and known author of children's books) and James Graham (retired FBI agent). The girl's got smarts in her genes. Her only other sibling (sister) Aimee is a writer and actress as well.

She hasn't hit 'the big times' I suppose but her popularity is definitely increasing, she's getting bigger and better roles, she's talented, she's sexy with the right amount of quirky, she's gained the respect of her followers and peers and based on the movies she has lined up, she definitely does not have an issue with getting work. So with all those things that's she's got going for her, 'the big times' might just be right around the corner. You go girl.

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