Friday, June 27, 2008

Go Shorty It's Your Birth Month: Angelina Jolie

My week of celebrating June culminates with this week's hottie - Angelina Jolie. I ask you to bear with me on this one. At times I may seem to contradict myself, but trust me, in my head it makes total sense.

I can only assume that if it makes perfect sense to you as well, that you are just as messed up as I am. It's either that or those of us who do get it are wise beyond our years. You know they saying - to each his own. And there's also - there's method to my madness or it all depends on how you look at it. Of course, I could just be making excuses to justify the bare fact that I'm weird or just a plain nutcase. Either way, do I even give a shit - I think not. Thinking about stuff like that is just too much thinking if you ask me.

Enough of my rambling though; let's get on with the show. First off, there's something I've been wanting to get off my chest about this Jolie, well actually it's the Jolie-Pitt, fiasco. This might be quite late in coming, but I couldn't complete a blog about Jolie without just spitting it out. It's the whole love triangle thing with Aniston and all. How in the hell was it all Jolie's fault? Nowhere had I read or seen anything pointing out that Brad 'who belongs in a snake pit' Pitt was culpable in anyway.

Did she walk up to him with one of her many guns, hold him at gunpoint and demanded that he screw Aniston over? Well, did she? Of course, I wasn't there but I think not. The way I see it, she's 40% to blame and he 60%. Why? It's quite damn simple! He is the one who was committed to another at the time of the whole damn thing. Therefore he merits that extra 20%. The onus was on him to say 'hold the hell up there, I'm with someone'. I'm not just picking on him.

At the other end of the spectrum, I'm just as disgusted with them both over the whole ordeal. She has earned the title of home-wrecker; there's no doubt in my mind about that. They both have.

Another thing that I need to put out there is that I honestly don't get all the hype about the 'lips' thing with Jolie and how stunningly beautiful she is. I honestly most times find her lips unattractive. There I've said it, I've said it and I can see the disgust and astonish looks on every one's face. I feel better now and thus can proceed with this whole thing of putting the focus back where it belongs.

Now having said all of the above, let me go on record to say that Angelina Jolie is H-O-T! Please note the difference. I cannot be the only one who things that a certain part of any person's anatomy can be unattractive but the person is still hot and sexy. Can I? Say it isn't so.

I find Jolie to be truly hot when she's not stick thin. When she is, she's one of the most unattractive persons in the universe (imho). Her body rocks, the bone structure of her face is uncommon (to some extent) and totally works for her.

I'm not especially blown away by her acting chops but she does a pretty decent job of it and is getting better with each film.

In as much as this might all be coming across as negative, that is not the case at all. I'm just being honest and I'm 100% honest when I state unequivocally that (outside of the love-triangle ordeal) I admire and respect Jolie deeply.

This affection was not just heaped upon her all willy-nilly. Jolie has earned my respect. I admire that she lives her life the way that she sees fit. I tip my hat to her holding her own. Standing her ground. Not giving a shit, no... not giving a fuck about what anyone deems unfit for her to be doing or wearing or thinking or saying, etc etc.

If there's anyone who wants to know what 'being comfortable in your own skin' means, just take a long hard look at Angelina Jolie. I cannot begin to express the magnitude of respect I have for people who are just that. Too many walk around trying to fit into a clique, a group, to be what someone else wants or approves of. And again I say, fuck it all and go Angie. You got my vote.

She's downright sexy. Any sexier than that and she'd be too sexy for her shirt, her car, her hat, her house, etc....

She lives her life the best way she knows how. She's not swayed by the press and other media. She's not overwrought by dictating family members. She's not running to change her hair or eyes or anything else to make people, fans, whoever flock to her side or heap praises upon her. For that, I will stand up and give kudos any given day, minute or hour.

Angelina Jolie is a true humanitarian in every sense of the word. Fuck the nay-sayers. Fuck them all. Seriously, just fuck it. It amazes me how people will just grab at anything to put a negative spin on something that they do not approve of.

Where is the wrong in adoption a parentless child? What's so bad about giving a child in need food to eat, clothes on his/her back, a good home and environment to grow up in. And it's gotta be some god-forsaken thing to love and nurture one of these kids right!

Caring about places on this earth and the people therein is some unforgivable sin that's gonna damn you to hell for sure. Right? Do I feel just a little strongly about this thing? Well, maybe just a little. What? Is it showing?

Angelina Jolie Voight was born on June 4, 1975. She was born in Los Angeles, California and is an actor and Goodwill Ambassador for the UN Refugee Agency. She is Slovak and German on her father's side and French Canadian on her mother's side. As a teenager she did some modelling and appeared in a number of music videos.

She started her acting career in 1982 alongside her father Jon Voight in the movie Lookin' to Get Out. She is probably best known for her roles in George Wallace (1997), Gia (1998), Girl Interrupted (1999), Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001) which made her a household name and Mr. & Mrs. Smith which also brought her critical acclaim.

She is the winner of 3 Golden Globe Awards, 1 National Board Review Award, 2 Screen Actors Guild Awards, 1 Academy Award, 2 BET Awards, 1 Broadcast Film Critics Association Award, 1 Hollywood Film Festival Award, 1 L.A. Outfest Award, 1 MTV Award, 1 NRJ Cine Award, 1 People's Choice Award and 1 Teen Choice Award.

I think I've said/ranted quite enough today. Feel free to do the clicking thing on the images for a close up view.

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